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Trump and Robinson on the NC GOP ticket
Trump-Robinson on the GOP ticket in NC

Donald Trump has closely associated himself with Mark Robinson,1 the Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina and the current candidate for NC governor on the GOP ticket with Trump and Vance. Trump has hosted Robinson at Mar-a-Lago, and Trump's campaign named Robinson to their "Black Americans for Trump" coalition in June 2024.2 Robinson was also a featured speaker at the GOP's national convention in Milwaukee on July 15, 2024.3

Trump chose to enthusiastically support and ally himself with Robinson despite several odious statements that Robinson had made even before revelations of a litany of perverse remarks he had made on a porn website emerged in September.4 These revelations finally caused Trump to disassociate himself from Robinson and prompted Robinson's top campaign staffers to resign.5

Speaking at a church on May 15, 2022, a day after a mass shooting with an AR-15 rifle killed 10 in Buffalo, NY, Robinson said:

I'll tell anybody, I got them AR-15s at home and I like to go target shooting and all that. That's not what they're there for.6

He then added, "I got them AR-15s in case the government gets too big for its britches." He continued, "Cause I'm gonna fill the backside of them britches with some lead."7

Speaking to another Church congregation on June 30, 2024, Robinson railed against a pack of enemies and added, "Some folks need killing! It's time for somebody to say it."8 Also, in a Facebook post of March 19, 2018, Robinson had said, "This foolishness about Hitler disarming MILLIONS of Jews and then marching them off to concentration camps is a bunch of hogwash."9

On September 19, 2024, several postings that Robinson had made between 2008 and 2012 on a pornographic website under the username "minisoldr" were reported by CNN.10 These postings were matched to Robinson by an email address that he used in some of those postings and in his regular correspondence and also using exact matches of obscure biographical details and other specific personal identifiers.11

Robinson's denial of his authorship of these postings was not found credible, and within days after these revelations, several of his top campaign staffers resigned12 and key GOP figures demanded that he withdraw his gubernatorial candidacy.13 Robinson did not appear with Trump at a rally in Wilmington, NC on September 21 nor did Trump refer to Robinson in his speech, in contrast to the prominent participation of Robinson in Trump's prior NC events.14

Robinson's postings on that porn site were indeed shocking. In October 2010 he wrote, "I'm a black NAZI!" In the same month, he also posted: "Slavery is not bad. Some people need to be slaves. I wish they would bring it (slavery) back. I would certainly buy a few."15

Although he used the word "filth" to describe LGBTQ people,16 he wrote on the porn site, "I like watching tranny on girl porn! That's f*cking hot! He added, "And yeah I'm a 'perv' too!"17 In posts of 2011, Robinson called Martin Luther King Jr. a "commie bastard" and "worse than a maggot."18 On the other hand, at a rally in Greensboro, NC in March 2024, Trump described Robinson as "better than Martin Luther King." Trump added to Robinson, "I think you are Martin Luther King times two."19

While offensive speech and hypocritical behavior regarding sexuality was one axis of commonality between Trump, who was issued a civil judgment in May 2023 for sexual abuse,20 rounding out his 34 felony convictions, their parallel behavior extends into other spheres. Robinson declared bankruptcy three times,21 while Trump, who lost billions in multiple business failures, declared bankruptcy six times.

Both have praised the most vicious and dangerous enemies of the United States. When Obama was president, Robinson wrote, "Robinson wrote, "I'd take Hitler over any of the shit that's in Washington right now!"22 Trump has praised Vladimir Putin, head of the [Russian Mafia state](T190], dozens of times, calling him "a genius" and "so nice." On February 10, 2024, at a rally in Conway, SC, he [encouraged Russia to do "whatever the hell" it wanted](T160] to a NATO country with low defense spending.

In short, Trump and Robinson are two of a kind, and thus mesh seamlessly at the top of the GOP ticket in NC in the November 2024 election, as the candidates for president and governor. They are an ideal pair for anyone who can ignore perversity in speech and behavior, multiple bankruptcies and praise for America's enemies.

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  1. MeidasTouch News, "Trump Named Mark Robinson to His 'Black Americans for Trump' Coalition While Commemorating Juneteenth," September 22, 2024, https://meidasnews.com/news/trump-named-mark-robinson-to-his-black-americans-for-trump-coalition-while-commemorating-juneteenth.
  2. Ibid.
  3. USA TODAY, "Watch North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson's speech at the Republican National Convention," July 15, 2024, https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/07/15/mark-robinson-speech-rnc/74411718007/.
  4. CNN, "Mark Robinson, NC GOP nominee for governor, called himself a 'black NAZI!,' supported slavery in past comments made on porn forum," September 19, 2024, https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/19/politics/kfile-mark-robinson-black-nazi-pro-slavery-porn-forum/index.html.
  5. Politico, "Top staff from Mark Robinson campaign resign after porn website scandal," September 22, 2024, https://www.politico.com/news/2024/09/22/mark-robinson-campaign-staff-resign-00180418; The Hill, "Top staff in Mark Robinson's office stepping down," September 26, 2024, https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4900197-top-staff-north-carolina-mark-robinson-office-stepping-down/; CNN, "Several senior campaign officials for Mark Robinson step down in wake of CNN report," September 22, 2024, https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/22/politics/mark-robinson-campaign-resignations/index.html;
  6. The Charlotte Observer, "NC Lt Gov Robinson brags about assault weapons at a church," May 27, 2024, https://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/article261871460.html.
  7. Ibid.
  8. The New Republic, "MAGA Gov Candidate's Ugly, Hateful Rant: 'Some Folks Need Killing!,'" July 4, 2024, https://newrepublic.com/article/183443/mark-robinson-north-carolina-gov-candidate-hateful-rant-killing.
  9. Raleigh News & Observer, "Under the Dome: What Josh Stein and Mark Robinson say about SHALOM Act on antisemitism," May 12, 2024, https://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/article288378940.html.
  10. CNN, September 19, 2024, op. cit.
  11. Ibid.; CNN, "September 22, 2024, op. cit.; The Wall Street Journal, "Mark Robinson Scandal in North Carolina Injects Chaos Into Presidential Race," September 25, 2024, https://www.wsj.com/politics/elections/mark-robinson-scandal-in-north-carolina-injects-chaos-into-presidential-race-85649dcc.
  12. As cited in note 5.
  13. Axios, "Many Republicans are turning away from Mark Robinson following an explosive CNN about the gubernatorial candidate," September 23, 2024, https://www.axios.com/local/raleigh/2024/09/23/nc-mark-robinson-governor-campaign-controversy-republicans.
  14. Ibid.
  15. CNN, September 19, 2024, op. cit.
  16. Axios, September 23, 2024, op. cit.
  17. CNN, September 19, 2024, op. cit.
  18. The Hill, "Mark Robinson says he's staying in North Carolina governor's race," September 19, 2024, https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4889150-north-carolina-lieutenant-governor-mark-robinson/.
  19. CNN, "September 22, 2024, op. cit.;
  20. The Washington Post, Aaron Blake, "Analysis, Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll," July 19, 2023, https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/.
  21. FOX8 WGHP, "Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson did not file tax returns for 5 years, ordered by court to file during 3rd bankruptcy case," April 12, 2024, https://myfox8.com/news/politics/nc-gov-race/lt-gov-mark-robinson-did-not-file-tax-returns-for-5-years-ordered-by-court-to-file-during-3rd-bankruptcy-case/.
  22. The Atlantic, "The Republican Freak Show," September 28, 2024, https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/09/mark-robinson-rfk-jr-trump/680064/.

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